As part of your college’s wider project to create an accessible campus, there may be steps that you can take as an instructor to support students with disabilities. In this last section, you will have some time to set some personal goals and think about next steps. You will also have an opportunity to give feedback to your institution about the information, supports and resources needed to achieve those goals.
Personal Goals
In order to be achievable, goals should be specific and realistic. Now that you have completed this course, what are some practical changes that you would like to make in your own practice, to make your classroom as accessible as possible for all students?
You could consider:
- Accommodations for individual students
- Offering flexibility and choice so that courses are more accessible to a range of learners
Next Steps
Once you have identified some goals, think about some practical steps that you could take over the next three to six months in order to achieve those goals. Try to put a completion date next to each step, to indicate a time when it could realistically be achieved.
Resources Needed
Finally, think about any further information, supports or resources that you will need to achieve your goal. Where could you find these resources? What do you need from your institution or colleagues to move forward?
- Download this Supporting Students with Disabilities Worksheet (PDF) and fill out the table.
- Save a copy of your worksheet and share it with your colleagues to discuss next steps.
- Ask participants to work on the Supporting Students with Disabilities Worksheet (PDF) and fill out the table.
- Ask participants to share their personal goals and resources needed in small groups.
What type of IMPACT do you want to learn more about from supporting students with disability resource website?
For further resources, please refer to the Supporting Students with Disabilities Resource website that was produced alongside this course. It has a wealth of information about accommodating students with disabilities, as well as links to exciting projects that are happening in BC.